Saturday, May 21, 2011

Tops Gas Points

Today is the last day to use your Gas Points at Tops. If you don't, you lose them. So, even if you can only squeeze a few bucks in your tank DON'T WASTE THEM!

Tomorrow starts a new round of earning gas points. There will be an opportunity to earn an extra 200 points. When I've had a little more opportunity to research the eligible items, I'll post a deal scenario. They're giving points for using manufacturer's coupons again - 10 points per coupon up to 100 points per transaction. In other words, you only get points on the first 10 coupons you use. I'm loving this points opportunity!
In my opinion, it's worth making extra trips in order to use no more than 10 coupons per trip. Now, I drive right past Tops at least twice a day and it's only a 3 minute drive from my house. If you have to drive further, you'll need to do some math and decide if it's worth  extra trips. I've also been know to take my husband or son shopping with me and do two separate orders. I'm not big on the idea of doing multiple transactions on my own unless I'm in the store at a really slow time, but that's just me!

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